Master French: Fluent and Confident

Mariam King
Online Teaching

Courses Description

Our French courses are designed to cater to all proficiency levels, from absolute beginners to advanced speakers. Beginners will be introduced to fundamental vocabulary, essential grammar rules, and basic conversational skills, emphasizing practical usage in everyday situations. Intermediate students will build on this foundation, exploring more complex sentence structures, expanding their vocabulary, and engaging in more nuanced conversations. Each course integrates interactive activities, multimedia resources, and practical exercises to create an engaging and effective learning environment.

For advanced learners, our courses focus on perfecting fluency and comprehension through in-depth exploration of idiomatic expressions, advanced grammar, and specialized vocabulary relevant to various professional and academic fields. You'll participate in detailed discussions, advanced reading comprehension, and sophisticated writing exercises to hone your language skills further. Our experienced instructors provide personalized feedback and support, guiding you towards achieving near-native proficiency and a deep appreciation of French culture and nuances.

What you will learn in this course

  • Advanced Vocabulary: Advanced sentence structures for daily activities (Professions, Education, Medical, Tourism, Sports, Interviews, etc)
  • Grammar Fundamentals: All parts of speech and their application in different conversions (Articles, Adjectives, Pronouns, etc), Verb conjugations (Present Tense, Past Tense, Past Participle, Imperfect Tense, Future Tense, etc), Advanced sentence structures (Simple, Compound, Complex sentences, Imperative sentence, Conditional sentence, etc.
  • Listening Skills: Understanding spoken French, including different accents and speeds (Both African and European Accents).
  • Speaking Practice (One-on-One with a coach): Conversational skills, role-playing, and interactive exercises.
  • Reading Comprehension: Understanding written texts, short stories, and news articles.
  • Writing Skills: Composition, Grammar usage, and Formal/Informal writing styles.

Course Curriculum

Curabitur tempus tincidunt tellus ac placerat. Nullam non libero nisi. Fusce congue est eget nisl tristique ornare. Vestibulum id massa felis. Nullam vehicula bibendum nulla eu vulputate. Aenean fringilla tortor ut laoreet congue magna, a viverra turpis consectetur porta.

team images
Jane Seymour
Founder & CEO

Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore et dolore magna aliqua enim minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ulla mco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate.

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Student Ratings & Reviews


(4 Reviews)

  • 5 1
  • 4 3
  • 5 0
  • 5 0
  • 5 0
  • Duration 16 Weeks Maximum
  • Lesson 100 Hours
  • Skill Level Higher And Lower Intermediate Class
  • Instruction Language During Lecture English 30% and French 70%
  • Instructor Mariam King
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